
Mount And Blade 2 Patch Notes


  • Stock-still a crash that occurred after the intro video.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred afterward skipping a video.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in settlement menus when the game linguistic communication was fix to something other than English.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when bartering with looters.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred on Order of Battle initialisation if at that place was no previously saved OoB data.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred with Social club of Battle auto-deploy while defending a siege.
  • Stock-still a crash that occurred subsequently talking to caravan parties.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the thespian forfeited a game of Tablut.
  • Stock-still a crash that occurred when raiding a village.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the "Notable wants his/her daughter found" quest timed out while the player was a prisoner.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to open a conversation with a young man army member while the ground forces was close to a village.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after collecting revenue from a village during the "Revenue Farming" quest.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to initiate a conversation with a notable in some villages.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when spawning a tournament in a settlement.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during an aisle fight while having the "Rival Gang Moving In" quest active.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when playing a lath game with non-companion association members (siblings, spouse, children etc.).
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when pressing start on the Gild of Boxing screen.
  • Stock-still a crash that occurred when troops received extra XP from a impale due to beingness close to a formation helm.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred later on making peace through decisions.
  • Stock-still a crash that occurred after making peace with the defending side during a siege.
  • Stock-still a crash that occurred when executing a hero during a map event.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during the "Disrupt Supply Lines" quest when attempting to attack the quest party while wounded.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred at mission start due to a campaign time calculation error.
  • Stock-still a crash that occurred on Society of Battle siege initialisation if the previous relieve information was from a non-siege see.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when clearing a common expanse due to the possessor of the area being killed.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when turning in the "Acquirement Farming" quest while the quest giver was in the thespian's regular army.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after winning a board game in a tavern.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the "Exit to the primary bill of fare" escape carte du jour button was clicked while in a mission.


  • Optimised siege script components.
  • Optimised blitheness systems, particularly for scabbards and reins.
  • Optimised ranged siege weapon usage by AI.
  • Optimised core campaign logic and mechanics to improve general campaign performance and reduce AI decision spikes.
  • Optimised the overall memory usage of the game.
  • Optimised the loading of game menus.
  • Optimised the mass transfer of formations to prevent spikes.
  • Optimised UI-related retentiveness usage in missions.
  • Optimised the reinforcements spawn system. Reinforcements at present spawn one by i.
  • Stock-still a retention leak that occurred during field battles.

Relieve & Load

  • Stock-still a bug that caused the attacking selection to disappear after loading a save file in the army encounter bill of fare.


  • Corrected and improved all implemented localisations.
  • Fixed a number of text errors.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some encyclopedia texts from updating when changing languages.


  • Added v new Greatcoat pieces: Decorated Leather Harness, Caped Leather Harness, Busy Leather Harness with Padding, Decorated Leather Harness over Scale, and Decorated Leather Harness over Mail.
  • Added 4 new Body Armor pieces: Mastercrafted Southern Calibration Post, Mastercrafted Southern Scale over Chain Hauberk, Mastercrafted Southern Calibration over Chain Mail, and Tartan Toga.
  • Adjusted the human body models.
  • Fixed diverse minor and disquisitional bugs related to town, castle and village scenes.
  • Fixed the incorrectly displayed entrada map tree LODs (appointment and olive farms).
  • Fixed a bug that acquired settlements on the campaign map to glow at night during winter.


  • Improved the agent blitheness system to prevent synchronised animations on generic agents.
  • Fixed a problems that was preventing agents from looking at the role player in taverns.



  • Added a sorting arrangement to the quests screen. Quests tin now be sorted past "Date Started", "Last Updated" and "Fourth dimension Due". The latest "Sort By" selection is tracked and applied when re-opening the screen.
  • The latest inventory "Sort By" selection is at present tracked between sessions.
  • Added an equipment prepare selector for encyclopedia troops.
  • Gained traits are now shown during character creation.
  • Added a "Skip all rounds" push to the tournament screen.
  • Added a "Recruit All" button to the "Recruit Prisoners" popup on the political party screen.
  • Added a secondary map (circumvolve) notification extension to suit longer texts.
  • Added a "Articulate Pick" push to the troop selection popup in the game menu (hideout and go on fights troop selection).
  • Improved feedback for disabled actions in entrada screens (Clan screen, Kingdom screen etc.)
  • Improved the layout of the settlement overlay, quests screen, crosshair, town management, scoreboard, party screen and party nameplates.
  • Increased the maximum log amount from 100 to 250.
  • Custom battle now uses faction banners and colours in missions (previously random).
  • Added new UI elements to the encyclopedia troop trees to bear witness perk requirements between troop upgrades.
  • Players can now leave custom battles at any time through the scoreboard.
  • The gamepad equipment controller can now likewise exist accessed with a keyboard.
  • The hero tooltip is now displayed when hovering over the Heroes list items in the encyclopedia.
  • The custom battle army size at present starts at 20% of the battle size by default.
  • Improved the layout of mission proper noun markers.
  • The workshop limit is at present displayed in the association tier tooltip.


  • Stock-still a bug that acquired item icons to be stretched when being dragged in the castling screen.
  • Stock-still a bug that caused inconsistencies in the locking state of troops in the party screen.
  • Fixed a bug that caused crafting difficulty bar layout issues.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the preference extension to not work properly in Order of Battle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the ammo bar on formation cards to be visible fifty-fifty if the formation didn't have any ranged troops.
  • Fixed a bug that caused crossbow troops to not be affected by the germination sliders in Order of Battle.
  • Fixed a problems that prevented the cancel button from reverting changes in the banner editor.
  • Stock-still a bug that caused ransom notifications to be shown while being held prisoner.
  • Fixed a problems that caused the game to written report feel gain even though the Report Feel selection was disabled.

Battles and Sieges

  • Added an selection under the Gameplay tab that allows you to determine the order in which troops should spawn.
    • Default: Troops spawn according to their position in the roster.
    • High Level: High level troops volition spawn first.
    • Low Level: Low level troops volition spawn first.
    • Homogeneous: High and low level troops will spawn in equal ratios.
  • Fixed a bug that caused perk effects to advance projectiles in combat, causing incorrect AI ballistic computations.
  • Stock-still a issues that caused the physics of undeployed ranged siege weapons to be active in siege missions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the battle encounter carte du jour to open up when talking to a besieging neutral or ally regular army leader.
  • Fixed a bug that caused armies to siege a settlement even while having low cohesion.
  • Stock-still a bug that caused the Order of Battle screen to open when the player had less than twenty troops and was engaging two parties at once.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented missions from ending when the active troops count was shut to the mission troops limit.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the histrion graphic symbol to move and break out of germination during the Order of Battle stage.
  • Stock-still a bug that acquired agents to take damage while falling off walls during the Society of Battle phase in siege missions.
  • Fixed a problems that caused enemy AI to fight less finer in certain cavalry situations by not charging.
  • Stock-still a issues that caused agents to get stuck on ane some other when using siege ladders with a gradual incline.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed now non-hostile settlements to go on to be besieged later leaving a kingdom.
  • Fixed a bug that caused mission agents to be invulnerable if the previous battle was exited before endmost the Lodge of Boxing screen.

Character Development System

  • Siege engine kills now award Engineering XP instead of Athletics and Throwing.
  • Total skill gained from trade profit volition at present be logged one time instead of once per transaction.
  • Fixed a problems that caused the Preventive Medicine perk effect to piece of work even when the player left an meet without starting a boxing.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Parade perk to requite a loyalty bonus to all settlements, not just the settlements controlled.
  • Fixed a issues that caused the Khuzait civilization bonus "Recruiting and upgrading mounted troops is 10% cheaper." not to use to horse archers.
  • Fixed a issues that caused the Aserai civilisation bonus "10% less merchandise penalization." to merely employ to trade goods.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Battanian civilization bonus "10% slower build rate for boondocks projects in settlements" to not exist calculated correctly when the boondocks had low loyalty.

Clan and Party

  • Improvements and fixes to Campaign Map AI:
    • Increased the weight of party priorities (Defensive, Neutral, Aggressive). Parties that have Defensive priority will try to defend settlements from raids/sieges and protect their territories. They will not join besieger/raider armies. Parties that take Aggressive priority will endeavour to raid and siege settlements more frequently. They will not join defender/patrolling armies.
    • Parties are now more likely to raid/siege settlements that are nearly their territory. This was accomplished by tweaking the distance score weight of the target settlement when deciding where to siege/raid.
    • Improved the campaign map AI to prevent political party zigzag behaviour (being stuck between two objectives).
    • Parties that are trying to defend their settlements confronting besiegers will have a curt term escort behaviour to a nearby stronger ally political party that has the same defensive behaviour. This will brand them appoint the besiegers together instead of beingness stuck in a zigzag behaviour.
    • Added a threshold for changing the AI party objective. Parties will modify their objectives less often if their current objective is logical.
    • Reworked the calculation for the location of parties on the campaign map, fixing various bugs that previously occurred, for example, parties from the other side of the world could join your battle or the same political party could join an encounter twice.
    • Fixed a bug that caused some parties to get stuck on a bridge/building on the campaign map.
  • Implemented a new companion spawn behaviour that will try to equalise the available companions in the game. This fixes a problems that caused companions to exist hard to find during belatedly game (in-game time has to laissez passer to equalise companions in older saves).
  • Information technology is no longer possible to convert a companion to a noble if the companion is leading a caravan.


  • Improved AI food management:
    • Armies will now take villages into business relationship when thinking of buying food if they are starving.
    • Army members volition accept other regular army members into account while buying food from settlements. They volition not buy all of the available food in the settlement if there are other starving parties in the army.
    • Parties will give more priority to their nutrient stocks if they have wounded troops.
    • Parties will at present on average starve less amount of the time.
  • Fixed a bug that acquired faction nobles to create armies during times of peace.

Kingdoms and Diplomacy

  • It is no longer possible to grant a fief that has an ongoing ownership vote.

Economy and Trade

  • Elite caravans are at present created from culture-based troop templates (previously out of random good troops). The elite troop template that is used when creating an aristocracy caravan corresponds to the culture of the settlement where the caravan is created. AI tin can also create elite caravans depending on the notable ability.
  • Stock-still a bug that caused caravans to give wrong merchandise rumours.


  • Updated the crafting cloth costs of some pieces.

Settlement Actions (Boondocks, Hamlet, Castle and Hideout)

  • It is now possible to ask tavern keepers almost bachelor companion candidates.
  • Bandit bosses in hideouts at present first the fight with their weapons drawn.
  • Stock-still a problems that caused the settlement tooltip to evidence the garrison as starving even though there was all the same food in the settlement.
  • Fixed a issues that acquired the settlement tooltip to bear witness two different values for the Governor section.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the starvation event from showing in the settlement tooltip.
  • Fixed a issues that acquired heroes to stay in the go along afterwards the boondocks is taken by another kingdom.

Quests & Bug

  • Stock-still a bug that caused the "Family Feud" quest grapheme to teleport to an irrelevant settlement.
  • Fixed a problems that caused Royal Troops to exist generated equally recruits instead of Headman'southward Troops during the tutorial in Tevea.
  • Fixed a issues that caused Imperial Troops to be given as rescued prisoners instead of Headman'southward Troops afterward the fight with the raiders during the "Locate and Rescue Traveller" tutorial quest.
  • Fixed a issues that prevented the conversation with Radagos at the end of the final tutorial quest from opening.

Conversations & Encounters

  • Prisoner Interaction:
    • Yous can now interact with prisoners.
    • You lot can try to coax prisoners into defecting.
    • It is now possible to enquire to talk to prisoners of other parties.
    • Fixes and improvements to dungeon baby-sit dialogues.
    • Fixed a bug that caused the battle meet menu to open when talking to a prisoner in a boyfriend army member's party.
  • Some conversation options will now refresh after closing the party screen to comply with contempo party and troop changes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the bodies of expelled clan's nobles and soldiers to become invisible during conversations.
  • Fixed a problems that prevented wedlock through association leaders subsequently unsuccessful barters.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some dialogue options to not appear (for instance, changing the workshop production type via a dialogue).


  • Equipment and troop changes.
  • Updated game concepts encyclopedia entries.
  • Added a field of view adjustment parameter to Photo mode.
  • Updated the equipment flag arrangement for all characters in lodge to prevent equipment malfunctions of NPC characters.
  • Changed the banner colours of various bandit groups in order to prevent confusion with major faction banners.
  • Removed some console commands that could lead to a crash.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred while switching teams.
  • Stock-still a crash that occurred when a player re-joined a game from which they were merely kicked from, and other players initiated a poll to kicking the thespian again.
  • Fixed a Helm mode server crash.
  • Stock-still a crash that occurred when restarting Duel.
  • Fixed a server crash that occurred at launch.

Design and Balance

  • Reduced score gained from damaging enemy mounts.
  • Reduced the negative score impact of team damage on mounts.

Game Modes

  • Added a Ranking System:
    • All matchmaking games are now ranked.
    • Ranks:
      • Bronze i, Bronze ii, Bronze 3
      • Silver 1, Silver two, Argent 3
      • Gold 1, Gold ii, Gilt 3
      • Sergeant
      • Captain
      • General
      • Conqueror
    • Players will be assigned a rank later on 10 evaluation matches.
    • The number of points you gain or lose with each match depends on the average ratings of your team and the enemy team. If your team has a lower average rating than that of the opponent and you lot win, you gain more points compared to a game where the average ratings between the teams are more than balanced. And if you lose against a higher average rating team, y'all lose fewer points.
    • Players are at present able to reconnect to a game after a disconnect. Players that weren't part of the match from the start tin't join and replace a asunder player mid-match.
    • If you leave a ranked game, you can't queue for matchmaking games for a duration of time that increases every time y'all leave. You lot will also lose ranking points even if your team ends up winning.
    • If you leave the game while in the warm-up phase, the game gets cancelled and everyone is returned to the primary menu. As a leaver, y'all carry the penalties already described in a higher place.
    • There are dissever ranks for Captain and Skirmish.
  • Added new stats screens for each game mode.
  • Added the ability to randomise maps and factions for premade games.

Map Related

  • Resolved the physics problems with the gatehouse stairs in Tsagaan Castle.

Other - Miscellaneous

  • Epic SDK was updated to v1.14.1 to address login issues.
  • Applied the profanity filter to Bannerlord IDs.

Server & Network

  • Fixed some castle door synchronisation bug.



  • Bots in Captain mode now use their commander'southward sigil.
  • Improved the layout of the lobby screen and the scoreboard.
  • Added an "Are yous sure" query on exit from the antechamber screen.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented video options from being saved correctly in the game Options.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some perks from working correctly in Duel mode.
  • Fixed a issues that caused the player to get stuck in the options screen.


  • Fixed a crash that occurred after an AI agent mounted a horse.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when an AI amanuensis approached a mount.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to two agents spawning at the same location.



  • Updated the launcher icon.
  • Added some missing Korean and Japanese characters.
  • Added a timeout for screen resolution alter in options.


  • Optimised the castle gate script.
  • Reduced RAM usage in flora heavy scenes.
  • Moved some human face generation steps to GPU to reduce loading times of some scenes.
  • Information of unused languages is no longer held in retention.
  • Fixed some spikes that were caused by resources loading in missions.


  • Reduced the number of times ragdolls get stuck in various places.
  • Reduced the exaggerated passenger motion on camel trot animations.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the character from blinking in the character creator.


  • Decreased the area damage of paw-thrown firepots.
  • Fixed a issues that acquired AI agents to hesitate from attacking the enemy in melee combat.


  • For further explanation and additional information on the modding changes check the post-obit thread: e1.7.2 Modding Adjustments.
  • InquiryData now supports expiration. This allows for the implementation of timed events, for instance "Click yes in 10 seconds".
  • Replaced the "HeroDeveloper" field with the "IHeroDeveloper" interface. This allows modders to alter HeroDeveloper of heroes with their ain custom classes. Equally such, they tin can at present change how skill/attribute/focus points piece of work and how heroes gain levels.
  • Added the OnPartyInteraction role to the IMapEntity interface. This allows modders to use custom interaction with custom map objects.
  • Fixed a issues that prevented moved texture files from beingness moved again in the resource browser.
  • Fixed a bug that caused new Sprites to not override existing ones. Meaning if a sprite is loaded afterwards a sprite with the same proper noun, it wouldn't override the previous ane. Because of this modders had to load their overriding sprites before Native or SandBox.

Known Issues


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